Thursday, July 29, 2010

A grain-free diet:

Tonight, around 5:30pm, while I was in the middle of cooking pasta for dinner and snacking on one of the two loafs of bread I made earlier in the day, I decided to look online for a connection between diet and Sjogren's Syndrome (the auto-immune thing I have). Well, sure enough the first link I click on takes me to a forum where some girl from Canada has written about her new-found Sjogren's "cure"to cut out all grain. Yes, that's right ALL grain. Now, for some of you this may not be a problem. For that girl in Canada, no big deal. For me, HUGE. I'm a little nervous I might starve to death b/c I don't know what else to eat. I mean, I almost solely live off of cereal, bread, tortillas and more cereal. No, it's really not that bad. I'm sure I'll get used to it and figure out some great recipe ideas. I hope:)

1 comment:

Audra said...

we need to talk!!!!